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How Supply Chain Dynamics Will Impact Decision Making for Oil and Gas Companies

In 2024, the oil and gas industry is in for a rollercoaster ride of challenges and changes, especially with how things play out this year. Picture this: there’s tension brewing all over the world, and we’re also in the midst of a big movement towards cleaner energy. For oil and gas companies, this means they’re […]

The 10 Most Important Qualities of Supply Chain Leadership

Effective leadership within supply chain has never been more crucial. Those who oversee planning, sourcing, production, delivery, and recycling, while guiding their teams through these pivotal tasks, are some of the unsung heroes of our global economy. With ongoing challenges like extreme weather, supply shortages, conflicts, pandemics, and more, organisations must transcend mere disruption management […]

The Double-Edged Sword of AI in Digital Marketing: Tales of Backfired Strategies

In the area of digital marketing, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has positioned itself as a robust comrade, vowing to elevate operational effectiveness, furnish pinpointed discernments, and administer customised encounters for users. Nevertheless, amid the scurry to harness the potential of AI utilities, certain entities in the digital marketing sphere have encountered unforeseen tribulations […]