Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management
SAQA ID: 78946
Our Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management is an IMM Qualification on NQF level 8 and is quality assured by the South African Council on Higher Education. You can complete this qualification in a year, but if life gets in the way, you have 4 years to wrap it up.
By now you are already well versed in business, but perhaps want to change careers, elevate your qualification or management level, or simply wish to focus more on Marketing and the management thereof. The main objective of this qualification is to equip you with the latest insights into the models and approaches of marketing today, and to give your CV an edge in the marketplace.
If you want to be in a position where you can identify and develop strategies to meet consumer needs in a profitable way, then this postgraduate diploma is recommended. This qualification is highly practical in nature. You will learn and apply methods for analysing, investigating and strategically solving complex marketing problems through relevant case studies.
Once you have completed this qualification, you can continue your learning with the IMM Graduate School by applying to do our Bachelor of Philosophy Honours in Marketing Management programme. This will make you a serious contender for executive marketing positions globally.
Duration: Min. 1 years. Max. 4 years.
Postgraduate Fees
Undergraduate Fees
Programme Exit Level Outcomes
There are nine learning outcomes in this programme
- Demonstrate advanced management knowledge and how it links to the discipline of marketing.
- Understand the requirements of, and take full responsibility for, a senior marketing management position, and lead a marketing team in an organisation.
- Conduct an assessment of an organisation’s internal conditions and capabilities, as well as the external environment, and link its resources with desirable marketing options.
- Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the national and international economic context and systems within which organisations operate and link these to marketing opportunities.
- Critically select and evaluate information and processes for the purpose of designing a strategic marketing plan.
- Develop and implement an advanced strategic marketing plan and communicate it to relevant role players.
- Evaluate the success of the strategic marketing process as an input for future decisions.
- Master life-long learning strategies in the field of marketing management.
- Identify and address ethical issues in the field of marketing management and base decisions and actions on appropriate marketing management values.
The programme is assessed as follows:
- Submission of assignments in each module except Applied Marketing Project. (Refer to the calendar of events).
- An open book examination in Applied Brand Management and Communications and Applied Digital Marketing Dynamics. (Refer to the examination timetable).
- Completion of an online Applied Marketing Project. This module is presented in the form of a marketing simulation game. No examination is required. There are however continuous ongoing assessments in the form of online tasks, culminating in a final online assignment
The Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management is offered at level 8 of the NQF (HEQSF aligned) and consists of 120 credits. The Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management comprises five modules:
- Applied Brand Management and Communications (20 credits)
- Applied Digital Marketing Dynamics (20 credits)
- Applied Marketing Metrics (20 credits)
- Applied Marketing Project (40 credits)
- Applied Marketing Leadership (20 credits)