IMM Alumni
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Alumni Share Your Story

Tapiwa Mugwagwa

Nozwelethu M. Nxumalo

Sharon Tanganyika

Jefferson Lupuwana

Lucky Twala

Thabiso Sebakiso

Cheryl Holworthy

Kershnee Hermanus

Amantle Mokubung

Tawanda Dzapasi

Jameela Khan

Katlego Emily

Lisa Glutz

Kyle Smith

Shimron Nyaude

Gladys Mubaiwa

Clive Moyo

Liezel Zondagh

Lerato Modise

Wadzanayi Haparimwi

Joseph Katete

Patience Nthebe

Sasha Matope

Shakila Singh

Darlington Makore

Pedro Casimiro

Buntu Quwe

Adam Lenhoff

Qhubekani Maphosa

Precious Mohale

Shannon Nel (van Rooyen)

Jo-ann Auret

Laura Wild

Chanteel Cornelissen

Kirstin McCain

Tanaka Obediah Newell Manjengwa

John Anderson

Tebogo Lucille Losaba
Tapiwa Mugwagwa
Because of IMM Graduate School, I have been able to excel in my job.
I first graduated – as top student in my class in 2017, with a Diploma in Marketing Management (Cum Laude). I also completed my Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing in October 2018.
I started my studies with the IMM Graduate School in 2015 after getting recommendations from experienced marketers and friends. I was also looking for a marketing qualification with a reputable, stable and internationally recognized provider of higher learning.
I have been able to excel in my job, because my modules have moulded me into the good marketer that I am – being exposed to various concepts, models and frameworks that marketers need for effective execution of their strategies.
The biggest challenge I faced during my studies was trying to balance school, work and family commitments. I learnt through trials and tribulations that although distance learning is challenging, it forces students to identify and solve problems using critical and creative thinking. This experiential learning and dynamic educational approach which integrates studies with practical experience has contributed meaningfully to my development.
In particular, the sales module gave me a huge advantage in the market place by helping me to understand and apply selling skills, strategies, practices and techniques.
I will use these life skills in my career and private life to make a real contribution to the marketing world through critical evaluation of information and situations.
Where am I today?
I currently work in the Sales and Marketing department of Nelspot Brands – a Zimbabwean detergent company.
Nozwelethu M. Nxumalo
Applying at IMM Graduate School was very easy and convenient. There are trained consultants who focus on you and ensure that the registration process is as swift as possible.
I googled for schools to study Marketing in Johannesburg, and was drawn to the IMM Graduate School. It specialises in marketing, and I believe that specialisation guarantees professionalism and great results.
Applying at IMM Graduate School was easy. There are trained consultants who focus on you and ensure that the registration process is as swift as possible.
I registered at IMM Graduate School Milpark in 2012. The classes were in a professional environment, and we had very dedicated and helpful lecturers. My studies went well.
In 2016 I got a full-time job working as an assistant to the Operations Manager and in 2018, I made it and finally my dream of graduating with an IMM Graduate School degree became a reality. I had preached so many times to family and friends about what an amazing institution the IMM Graduate School was.
The courses and the time frame to study were conducive, especially for someone like me, who had to relocate to Eswatini (Swaziland), in 2016. I also loved that IMM Graduate School provided exam centres that were close to me.
I would like to thank IMM Graduate School for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. IMM has proved to have the student’s best interest at heart. I will register for my Honours next year 2020.
Where am I today?
I am currently working for a Transport Company in Eswatini as Operations Administrator and obtaining my degree has given me the confidence to pursue Marketing options.
Sharon Tanganyika
I lost loved ones, endured financial stress and at times the challenges almost pulled me back. Nonetheless, perseverance held me and here I am.
My journey with IMM Graduate School has been interesting, challenging and fulfilling. When I enrolled with IMM Graduate School, I had gone into Post Natal depression after I gave birth to my third child. I suffered from amnesia and was emotionally detached from everything. I thank my family for supporting me and encouraging me to pursue my diploma. With the help of friends, I managed to pass most of my modules.
Given the economic situation in my country, I endured financial strain and I failed to graduate with my class of 2015. In 2018, after receiving financial support from my family, I managed to complete the remaining 5 modules. It has been a tiring journey, which has made me grow in so many ways.
Where am I today?
Now that I have gained my memory fully, I believe I can achieve anything that I set my mind on. I believe I will be able to pursue my BBA in Marketing as well as the BPhil. I see myself as a marketing consultant, given the knowledge that I’ve been equipped with by IMM.
Jefferson Lupuwana
Ever since I studied at IMM, I have been recognised at work through my contributions to team and organisational strategy.
I experienced some financial hardships, as my work place only assisted with two module payments. My wife is also studying and my kids’ school fees made it hard but I am glad I completed my studies despite the financial challenges.
I managed to complete my Post Grad Diploma while having to balance work pressure in my two jobs and being an involved father of three primary going kids who needed help with homework and having to attend their soccer matches. Ever since I studied at IMM, I have been recognised at work through my contributions to team and organisational strategy. I also achieved my personal development goals which should get me a bonus.
Where am I today?
I want to rest this year and put my knowledge to good use, but I intend to continue my studies with IMM in order to reach and complete my Master’s.
Lucky Twala
I gained invaluable skills and knowledge through my IMM studies, which I will apply and carry over even after my retirement.
Finally, my journey at IMM has come to fruition with my achievement of a Higher Certificate in Marketing. The journey to success was both challenging and rewarding and through persistent hard work, commitment and patience, what had to be done has been successfully completed. It is important to note that most goals are achievable, and any dream is possible with the right attitude, focus and mind-set.
The ancient Chinese proverb “A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step” (Chao Tzu). teaches us that even for the longest and most difficult venture, there is a starting point which begins with small steps.
Where am I today?
I started this journey, two years ago and now have reached my destination with an achievement of a Higher Certificate in Marketing. I gained invaluable skills and knowledge through my IMM studies, which I will apply and carry over even after my retirement which is due soon on 31st October 2019.
Thabiso Sebakiso
While it remains important that we focus on the destination, it was the things I learnt along the way that made the journey worthwhile.
I am trained in Electrical Engineering and Marketing, and worked for an Electricity utility company before changing careers to follow a Business Consulting route. Changing careers also meant that I needed a new skill set, especially in business, and this is why I chose to study marketing. and so IMM Graduate School was my first choice. My journey has been inspired by many authors and speakers but the following saying by Napoleon Hill: “success requires no apologies; failure permits no alibis” stood out as the pushing force behind my actions. Once I completed my IMM Diploma in Marketing in 2007, I also did a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management 8 years later.
When I started out with the IMM Graduate School in 2015, they did not have an examination center in Lesotho, which obviously caused some logistical problems for me but I made a plan, and once I sorted out my exam center, like they say, the rest is history. The journey was rocky but the learning was immense. While it remains important that we focus on the destination, it was the things I learnt along the way that made the journey worthwhile. IMM support team was very responsive and I am indebted to them all.
Where am I today?
I believe in learning – I have my personal development plan all worked out and I plan to continue working on my micro and small businesses. Once I exit public office, I plan on enrolling for an online short course in leadership with IMM, beginning May 2019.
My ultimate goal is to be a Chartered Marketer with Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK and undergo their executive development program.
Cheryl Holworthy
IMM Graduate School gracefully offers 8 years for part time studies but I managed to complete it in 4 and half years juggling many activities.
Before my journey started with IMM Graduate School in 2013, I always delayed my studies because of parenting and work. Once I decided to start my journey – my perspective changed completely.
Parenting, working full time, household chores, family functions all of these activities can be managed and accommodated around your studies. Many sacrifices were made during this time, not only emotionally but financially. My kids’ studies had to be manned by my husband and while I was set to achieve my goal, I missed numerous family functions.
In 2014 I gave up my full time job to focus on my family and studies, but I knew that every cent spent was worth it which motivated me more than anything else. Failing a subject really gets to you, well it got to me and I decided to take a 6 month break from my studies.
I do not know what it was, but something kept driving me to finish within 5 years. As soon as registrations opened in 2016 I registered for 2 new modules and the race continued.
In 2017, I re-entered the corporate market and was now more driven and motivated to prove to myself that all things are possible if we only believe! I continued with my part time studies and am proud to say that today – I have my degree.
Where am I today?
What’s next? My honours of course, I can’t wait to register once I’m financially stable again…see you soon IMM.
Kershnee Hermanus
Distance learning has taught me to become more disciplined, to plan better, to break down goals into realistic milestones and work fastidiously towards achieving deadlines well before the official date.
I first registered for the Diploma in Marketing in 2006. It was an increasingly stressful decision, mainly due to the fact that I could hardly afford to enrol and pay for the study units and at that specific point in time I could not afford to pay for the tutorials. This was arguably the most difficult and long-term decision that I had undertaken at that moment.
Studying part time, balancing a career and distance learning was not easy. However, it was an opportunity to think differently, it taught me to plan better, to break down goals into milestones and work fastidiously towards achieving deadlines well before the official date. This is a skill that I truly value and what carries me daily in my role and makes me even more effective at what I do.
The increased skill of time management most importantly taught me to plan for successful outcomes, despite the hurdles. During the course, I faced failure along the journey and this was not easy, but I was not planning to give up, so had to increasingly build a skill of endurance. Studying part time also gave me a deeper appreciation for financial management and budgeting. My perseverance was ultimately rewarded with me passing and achieving my degree. Years later without taking a break I further pursued and signed up for the BBA Degree in Marketing and finally graduated with a B Phil Honours in Marketing. In remaining true to my goals and achieving my dreams, I have managed to encourage my sister together with a number of my colleagues within Advertising and Marketing to study with IMM. When they look at what I have managed to achieve, they believe that it is no longer a dream and is in fact achievable.
Years later as I moved up within my studies from a certificate course to a BPhil in Marketing. I can directly correlate my success within my professional career to milestones achieved while studying towards my degrees.
Where am I today?
I recently joined FNB Cash Investment’s heading up the Premium Marketing team. I believe that my education and experience has prepared me for the opportunity and allowed me to settle into the role with enthusiasm and vigour. In addition to this, IMM has recognised me once again as a tutor for Business to Business Marketing, Fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Advanced Digital and Mobile Marketing. This acknowledgment together with my appointment at FNB has further invigorated me with more drive, passion and respect for Digital Marketing. I plan to continue with my studies and I’m currently investigating the opportunity to undertake and apply for a Master’s qualification. I’m eager to take on my next academic qualification.
Amantle Mokubung
I am grateful to the IMM Graduate School for having given me the opportunity of a lifetime!
I started with entry level marketing positions while I struggled to jointly pay off my student loan. I watched as my peers soared in different industries through Junior and Mid-Management positions while they were studying part time. Needless to say, I could not afford to pay for my own studies let alone get a grant to study by the employers that I worked for over the years.
In August 2017, I entered a bursary competition at the IMM Graduate School. On Saturday the 27th of August 2017, I received a call. The lady on the line handed over the phone to a gentleman who told me that I had won a bursary. For a second, my world shut down as tears started rolling down my face. God had finally granted me the opportunity to study further.
I could choose ANY qualification of my choice on condition that I meet the minimum requirements. In 2018 I registered for the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management and I made a promise to myself that I would complete it within 12 months. Raising funds for textbooks was amongst the challenges that I experienced during my studies. It also came with sleepless nights and weekends.
Where am I today?
I started a new job 4 month after my graduation and it is a management role. I am a Campaign Manager at Harambee now and can’t be happier. I am super excited and proud of what I have been able to achieve.
Tawanda Dzapasi
It is a story of anxiety, pain and joy from the start to where I am at the moment. I can’t call it the finishing line yet since I am still on the way to my highest possible point, at the IMM off course.
My best friend, as well as my wife, persuaded me to start studying with IMM but I was afraid to commit myself since I perceived it as an unattainable goal due to the exchange rate, as well as the exam venue which was in South Africa. Later IMM introduced the Harare exam venue for degree students. I remember struggling to raise the money for the initial registration. Finally, I paid my assessment fees and eventually registration fees.
I managed to complete my degree with six distinctions and I never missed a single semester for any reason. I uphold the highest standards of ethics in academic circles. My motto now is “ Learning is a life time journey”.
Where am I today?
I have registered for a Bachelor of Philosophy degree (Honours). After this I will go for a Master’s degree which will take me to the summit. I want to make a difference at all the companies that will engage me. Above all I will give back to the society in return of the favour that the almighty has granted me.
Jameela Khan
Where would I be had I not opted to study with IMM, but quickly shake the scary thought out of my mind.
I completed my matric with no funds to study, I was fortunate enough to land a full-time job 2-years after I had matriculated. Having no formal qualification, meant a very low salary, but priceless experience. I moved around the business a couple of times before meeting a Marketing Manager who was convinced I had a natural flair for marketing, and took me under her wing. But that wasn’t enough… She arranged for my company to pay my fees towards a Marketing qualification… I remember her saying “It will be an IMM qualification or nothing at all.” I was truly blessed to get this opportunity, and grabbed it!
I initially registered for the Diploma in Marketing, and this opened many doors for me. I was soon requested to join the Group Marketing Team within the organisation. Upon completion, I decided I did not want to stop there. I took a gap year, and contacted IMM once again, only this time with the intention to complete a degree. My confidence and knowledge about the field increased throughout the duration of the course. On the evening of my graduation I think back and wonder where I would be had I not opted to study with IMM, but quickly shake the scary thought out of my mind.
Katlego Emily
I never gave up because I knew that I had to do it again. I kept on moving to achieve my goal.
I thought tertiary education would not challenge me more than high school did, but I was wrong. It was challenging when I had to redo a 2017 module that I failed. I redid it in 2018 which led to my completion of my higher certificate in Marketing
Spending more money on the extra module was a sacrifice, and deciding to rather study distance demanded more time, effort and discipline, but it was all worth it – I achieved great results through my hard work. I never gave up because I knew that I wanted to do it. I kept on moving to achieve my goal.
Where am I today?
With my higher certificate in marketing I was able to articulate into my BCom in Marketing and Management Science with IMM.
Lisa Glutz
Today I am a full-time employee, mother, wife and entrepreneur who has developed her own product.
I began my journey with IMM in 2014 and was very excited about my future and the advantages that the IMM course would provide me. While working full-time, I established a study routine and ethic which I felt would enable me to deal with the pressures of work and study. But in November of the first year I had an ectopic pregnancy and lost our first baby. This was a traumatic time but it didn’t deter me from putting as much effort as possible into my studies. A year later, two weeks before exams, I gave birth to our first child. So while I was writing exams in the Midrand Conference Centre hall, my sweet husband (who had driven me to the exam venue) was pushing the baby in her pram in the gardens outside, waiting for me.
In January 2018, I gave birth to our second baby girl and it was during my maternity leave that I studied for the May exams.
Through pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood, and a full time job I still managed to attain distinctions in the majority of my subjects.
Where am I today?
Today, I am a full-time employee, mother, wife and entrepreneur. I have recently been promoted from a Sales and Marketing Coordinator to a Junior Product Manager.
On top of that, I was inspired by a Marketing Management Learner Guide and developed my own product. I identified a need in the consumer market, designed, developed, produced and marketed a product of my own that now sells internationally!
Kyle Smith
If anything studying part-time taught me how to manage my time and use it to the best of my ability. It also taught me a lot about myself and how well I could deal with failures and other down times in my life.
I matriculated in 2005 and left high school to start working at Vodacom the following year, which was a dream come true for me. Thankfully, Vodacom has a bursary scheme which allowed employees to gain a tertiary education whilst working there. I was not sure what to study but after chatting to a few colleagues who were enrolled at the IMM, I decided to enrol for a BBA in Marketing Management.
Considering I had a full time job I had to opt for part-time studies and decided to take evening lectures which resulted in me having to sacrifice a lot of social time with friends and family. Working a full-day from 9:00 until 17:00 and then still attending lectures from 18:00 to 20:00 was not easy and left me feeling drained many nights. Through my three year programme, I failed five times. Every time I had to pick myself up and work harder. By being forced to re-take subjects, I had to avoid losing momentum on my existing plan of two subjects at a time and was pushed to realise my potential and ability to manage more subjects than I thought I was capable of. I had overcome my other failures over the years and decided nothing was going to get me down.
Getting my degree part-time through The IMM Graduate School allowed me to grow in the company too as I received several promotions along the way. My skills, determination and can-do-attitude were being recognised and I was given new opportunities.
Where am I today?
I am now a Product Manager of the Consumer Business Unit at Vodacom and soon to be Principal Specialist of Consumer Internet of Things. The skills I learnt in studying marketing have helped shape the way I work in my role.
There is the possibility of continuing with my honours and master’s in marketing with the IMM Graduate School. You should never stop learning and I intend to continue learning new things in as many ways as possible as my career grows.
Shimron Nyaude
Essentially, if you have the luxury, find something that excites you and doesn’t feel like studying, take advantage of the networking platforms and informative training modules. I liked the wide creativity involved, diversity and the flexibility.
My journey at the dazzling IMM Graduate School has been characterized widely by complex new effects, dissimilar studying culture and partly with my highlights involving a touch of high and low moments. I spent many hours with study groups – learning from all and it was incredibly rewarding to be helped, focus and make plans.
Updates from the student portal, study guides and IMM website had been tremendously helpful throughout the course of study.
During my journey I have been exposed to diverse study-culture and managed to work under a wide array of assorted hands and workmanship. From sharpening skill sets to navigating the different study affairs of state and building the
network, the takeaways from those early professional experiences often prove
invaluable in shaping my growth and experience.
IMM taught me the value of hard work, the importance of being dedicated and committed to getting the assignments done, and the proud feeling you get when you succeed.
Essentially, if you have the luxury, find something that excites you and doesn’t feel like studying, take advantage of the networking platforms and wide training modules, and the study guides we receive.
I found IMM to be consistently pleasant, solid; I tackled all assignments with dedication and a smile. At times doubling work and school was not easy. I took charge and was able to present creative ideas and get the benefits.
Gladys Mubaiwa
IMM was my answer and it was very flexible, I could still do all my activities, go to work and still find time to study and attend tutorials online.
I got married 10 years ago and married life took its toll on me, followed by the kids, school runs, weekend activities, visits to relatives, funeral attendances and keeping the house in order. I just felt that I did not have any time for school.
One day it dawned on me that I had not reached my professional goals and I needed to get back on the band wagon, so I started searching for an institution that could open doors to a professional journey keeping in mind that the kids still needed play time, the house still needed to be in order and a husband taken care of as well.
IMM Graduate School was my answer because it was very flexible, I could still do all my activities, go to work and still find time to study and attend tutorials online.
Where am I today?
All my prayers were answered and now I have finished my BPhil Honours Degree and have already signed up for Chartered Marketing. IMM is the best for those with similar circumstances as myself.
Clive Moyo
Graduating in April 2015 made me realise that I wanted a degree with IMM.
26 July 2011, I decided I was going to enrol for the Diploma in Marketing Management with The IMM Graduate School. My biggest hurdle however was that the module fee was higher than my salary then. I approached friends, my church community and later also my employer for funding.
My first exams took place in October 2011 and with great delight I passed all the modules. Some modules challenged me immensely, like Finance and Economics. I failed both. A private tutor helped me, and I obtained a distinction in Finance. I worked for another distinction in International and Africa Marketing.
At work I was already promoted to the position of Sales Rep for my performance had greatly transformed. I wrote my last exams in 2014 and graduated in 2015.
Now that my salary was increased. I enrolled for a degree. IMM understood my situation and helped me structure my degree with two modules a semester.
Where am I today?
I am a Sales and Marketing Manager of an SME that distributes LP Gas in the whole of Zimbabwe. All thanks to IMM who gave me the fundamentals of marketing, and a broad knowledge base in Supply Chain Management. I will enrol for the BPhil, at IMM.
Liezel Zondagh
Hard work, faith and patience always pays off no matter how impossible it seems at time, keep pushing for what you want!
In 2005 I was busy with my Matric in the hopes of going to University. Unfortunately, my dad got retrenched and I was told that I can no longer go to University. Being very sad and disappointed as I won’t be able to join my friends I started researching other Institutions that would make it possible for me to study part time. I was very impressed and happy when I came across IMM as I could study part time, pay per subject and have a well-recognised qualification.
I completed my diploma in the 3 years but with a hefty student loan to pay back and wanting to study further I wasn’t able to continue my studies at this time. I then went and worked on a Cruise Ship in the gift shop which allowed me to earn dollars. This enabled me to pay my current student loan back and save for my future studies. Finally returning back to SA in 2013 I was able to register again with IMM and start my BPhil Honours degree, studying part time again and working as a Junior Brand Manager. I am very happy and proud to say I finally did my last subject in October 2018 and graduated March 2019!
Moral of the story – be patient. There were days where I would sit and wonder how I am ever going to finish my studies, with the pressures of life and work around me every day. My parents are poor and I had to make it happen myself, I could have decided not to go study and blame them for the rest of my life or make something of myself. Hard work, faith and patience always pays off no matter how impossible it seems at time, keep pushing for what you want!
Where am I today?
At 31 years old I finally have my BPhil Honours, age and time is not going to stop me.
Lerato Modise
In 2018, I remember taking myself to the harbour in Durban so that I could apply the theory learnt and I thought: This has been so worth it. My time at IMM was hard work, but it was worth it.
Coming from a family that’s dominated by professionals and academics post matric I never knew what would be MY next step. I completed my matric in 2011 and the first semester of 2012 I took a rebellious gap year full of mischievous adventures.
I started my first job on 1 December, 2013. I was committed to a 2-month contract, but with my first day in the shop I started browsing the internet to find a school which I would apply for the following year. I made working’s main objective to raise money to study further in 2014. I wanted to study in a private institution who offered a niche course. This is what I found at IMM Graduate School.
The module fees collectively with classes was beyond what I could afford considering I would be paying for my own fees. I then decided to sell my car so I could attend classes and also live close by. The lectures and spectrum were good as well as the class engagements were relatable and helpful.
Struggling to initially pass all my modules, one of my lectures advised that I take it module for module. 2015, I took one module and passed, I did the same in the second semester and passed again. I started seeing the light.
The hardest thing was not being able to register due to lack of funds but thanks to how IMM has designed the study programme and duration it made it easier to at least work and pay for my fees.
Finally, in 2018, I registered for one module and passed it and in the second semester a company, who approached me for a position with them, paid for the last module.
All it took was knowing why I started and remembering that this vision was worth holding on to. Thank You IMM, you humbled me and I am better off than when I first arrived. You have nurtured me with knowledge that I would not have dreamt of being fed anywhere else.
Where am I today?
I am a winner today because I never gave up. I ran my own race at my own pace.
Wadzanayi Haparimwi
As a busy and committed mother of 3, wife, working full-time and active church member, the flexible study schedule gave me control of my time.
I registered for my degree with IMM in June 2015. It had been a long time coming and a lifelong dream.
Starting the course with zeal is one thing, maintaining that zeal and motivation throughout the course is another. After a long day at the office, followed by a few hours of homework with the kids, I had to find it within myself to keep motivated in order to achieve my goals. I had to stick to my study timetable indoor to succeed. I had to keep reminding myself why I started the programme.
After the first semester, I joined tutorials at a local college. Having others which shared the same challenges meant that we were able to meet to discuss difficult topics with the help of a qualified tutor.
Some of my peers taught me that one should not miss a semester no matter the circumstances. It is better to do even one module. The important thing is to keep moving.
I managed to finish my programme in 3 years. There were so many obstacles along the way. To keep myself motivated, I celebrated all my achievements.
Having a passion for my course of choice helped me to keep being inspired. I read Marketing Journals and were interested in Company Marketing campaigns.
Without the help and support of my family I would not have achieved my degree.
Where am I today?
3 years later, I am extremely proud to hold an IMM Graduate School Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Marketing Management. With hard work and dedication…IT CAN BE DONE.
Joseph Katete
The IMM Graduate School refined my use of business language and opened my eyes to the various opportunities in my environment.
I decided to enrol with the world acclaimed IMM Graduate School to advance myself academically and professionally.
The first and worst challenge that I encountered was financial. My salary was enough to support my life, without adding more expenses like tuition fees.
The second challenge was that all parenting duties were relegated to my wife.
Presented with these two major challenges a third one resulting from my failure to attend to the two would result- our marriage became strained. In hindsight, I reckon that my excitement of finally enrolling for an IMM qualification blinded me of the obvious strain that my failure to balance my time with work. When I graduated with a Diploma in Marketing Management two years ago, I struggled to hold back my tears as I had managed to graduate with my family.
That was not the only problem I encountered though. I had other less challenging fights to prevail over like stigma and stereotyping at my workplace.
I learned to improve my efficiency and effectiveness as an employee, and also to be more adventurous. I actually helped my wife establish a family business specialising in Corporate Branding, and I am now a partner in an Events Management Company.
Where am I today?
Today, I am a confident freelance journalist, certified marketing practitioner, rising blogger and Public Relations consultant specializing in Events Management, Branding and Media Relations.
Patience Nthebe
The Serenity Prayer!
Marketing stole my heart
Where am I today?
Today I find myself in the Talent and People department, creating ways to engage and build a relationship with potential candidates. I also find technology for this department as well as employee engagement systems for the business. Lastly i do culture interviews for senior positions.
Sasha Matope
I have no doubt this hunger never goes away. Attaining knowledge is an insatiable hunger and we need to capitalise on such to keep making progress
I joined the IMM family in 2011 when I started reading for the Diploma in Marketing Management. I completed this in 2013. It’s amazing how one keeps wanting more once they embark on this academic journey. This saw me enrolling for the BBA Degree right after completing the Diploma. The same hunger for success stuck with me after attaining the BBA qualification. To this end, I enrolled for the B.Phil qualification which I completed in 2016. The plan is to read for the M.Phil in the very near future. I have no doubt this hunger never goes away. Attaining knowledge is an insatiable hunger and we need to capitalise on such to keep making progress.
Where am I today?
I’m currently working as a marketing manager for a biscuit manufacturing firm. An exciting journey I undertook 3 years ago. The dynamic Zimbabwean environment keeps you busy and engaged, making the journey that more exciting!
Shakila Singh
That is how I started at the IMM and have never looked back. I had done extensive research on the colleges and the IMM ticked all the boxes.
I am a 40-year-old mum of 2 young adults aged 21 and 15 respectively. I had my son at a very young age, 18 to be specific, when I finished matric. Post matric I was accepted to study law, but never managed to get started because I was learning to be a mum, so my career was put on hold. I tried my hand at business and I worked at some minor jobs to gain working experience and seven years later, I had my daughter. I wanted to get back to studying, but having kids meant that there was always their needs to consider before my own. Before I knew it, I was so much older. I made up my mind to move cities and try my luck in the city of gold. My family and I relocated to Johannesburg in 2007 and I started my working career. It came with a whole host of challenges though. My son was not coping all that well with school because he missed home and his friends. My daughter was continuously ill, and I had to travel to Durban to get her sorted. For the first 6 months I thought daily of moving back home but I just never did. I always thought that I was going to make it no matter what happened. I refused to go back home to my comfort zone and promised that I would stick it out. Eventually the kids settled down and grew up a little more, so I had some free time. In 2013 I reached the highest that I could go in the job I was in at that stage, and decided I wanted to study. More so because every other job that I was applying for always mentioned qualifications and degrees that you had to possess. It was becoming difficult to find the next ‘right fit’. That is how I started at IMM Graduate School and I have never looked back. I had done extensive research on the colleges and the IMM ticked all the boxes. I met with a consultant that obviously knew my personality fitted well with a marketer, so he suggested the BBA Degree in Marketing Management. I was excited to get started and now finally, I graduate. I have been doing my studies part time as life happened, my kids grew, my daughter went through 2 brain operations, my marital status changed, and I changed jobs. I have had my fair share of challenges. I am not someone to give up easily and I tried to carry on even though at times I felt like giving up, in fact I almost did. I failed one of my electives and resigned from an unhappy workplace and I thought that was the end. That was enough to demotivate me. I left studying and tried to put my life back on track because being unemployed messes with a person’s mind and you actually don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Anyway, I joined an awesome company and a year later they agreed to help me finish my degree. I am still at the company and they continue to help me with my studies. I am currently registered for the Honours in Marketing Management degree and hope to finish that next year. I am also looking to take up a leadership course afterwards. That is what we as humans fail to realise, that life happens and no matter what, you should always get back up and stay the course, no matter how many times you fall off the boat. It is just life and we have to embrace it. Life comes with its fair share of challenges but who said graduating at 40 was wrong? Clearly I am not one to conform to society, I believe that we each have something unique in us. Not all of us has the privilege of finishing school and going to university, we all hope for that but there are other curve balls to dodge. It doesn’t matter how you start, finishing and never losing hope is all that matters in the end. I am now at the stage where I want to remain a role model for my kids and hope that I have taught them never to take education for granted. That is the one thing that no one can steal from them.
Where am I today?
I am currently at Bonitas Medical Fund and they have become my family. I have all the support I need to reach my next goal!
Darlington Makore
IMM was an eye-opener for me and aroused so much marketing interests in me. Marketing is central to the success of every organisation and I am happy to be part of such a crucial department.
A customer Experience fanatic. Graduated in 2012 with BBAM and later on did a Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Marketing with CIM-UK. IMM was an eye-opener for me and aroused so much marketing interests in me. Marketing is central to the success of every organisation and I am happy to be part of such a crucial department.
Where am I today?
I have vast experience in numerous industries such as Microfinance, Tourism and Telecoms where I have held various positions. Currently I am a Customer Experience Quality Analyst with Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, the largest telecoms company in Zimbabwe by subscriber base and dollar value.
Pedro Casimiro
Those were the first steps towards an ongoing journey of learning that has spanned 23 years (to date) and blessed me with moments of clarity pertaining to the marketing industry and why it fulfills me so much.
I became aware of IMM’s offering as the marketing industry’s go-to institution of higher learning in 1997. I had joined a JSE-listed corporate retailer and, coming from the creative side of the ad agency industry, needed to get to grips with the theory behind what I had been practicing in advertising. Those were the first steps towards an ongoing journey of learning that has spanned 23 years (to date) and blessed me with moments of clarity pertaining to the marketing industry and why it fulfills me so much.
Where am I today?
I am fortunate enough to have used my marketing acumen to diversify my business interests. I serve as a part-time Marketing Director to an array of businesses and I get to “give back” to local SMMEs through a Business Performance Coach initiative.
Buntu Quwe
When I developed a love for Sales and Marketing, I was working as a Paint R&D Chemist. It is during this time that I started Diploma in Marketing which was the best decision of my career.
When I developed a love for Sales and Marketing, I was working as a Paint R&D Chemist. It is during this time that I started Diploma in Marketing which was the best decision of my career. The Diploma in Marketing helped me to my transition very well
Where am I today?
I am currently working for a Multinational chemical manufacturing company, responsible for sales and business development within the Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). Part of my role is to create and sustain demand of various products across different paint and coatings segments within the SSA region. I am responsible for identifying and appointing distributors
Adam Lenhoff
It was time to kick things off with my IMM journey. I enrolled in a diploma in marketing management while committing to further my knowledge in digital, social and several other facets of the world of advertising.
I wasn’t one for typical schooling, I dawdled my way through the schooling system itching to kick off “real life” after matric. I spent the year after school travelling the world and exploring my beautiful backyard (South Africa) without a clue what my next steps would be once the year was over. As the year passed, I learned more and more about myself and the world around me which led me to an idea to delve into the world of marketing.
My year of travel was over (although I make time for a worldly adventure as often as possible) and it was time to kick things off with my IMM journey. I enrolled in a diploma in marketing management while committing to further my knowledge in digital, social and several other facets of the world of advertising. All of this while beginning a career in freelance marketing & copywriting services.
3 years went by, I comfortably attained my diploma and took a dive head first into the working world. I eventually signed on at FCB Afeica and was part of the social and content team for Toyota, Lexus and a few other big brands. Although my time there was highly beneficial, I realized the agency life was not for me. The hunt began for an in-house position on a brand I could be passionate about. An opportunity came knocking as a social media specialist at Betway Africa which was an absolute dream given the sporting side of things. So began my 3 year stay with Betway as I grew and grew to work on projects I could only have dreamed of.
Where am I today?
In August 2019, I got a call from the owner of a fast growing Fashion retailer called TAPE to meet for a chat. A week after our first meeting I was presented the hardest decision of my life as I was offered a position as Head of Marketing for TAPE while still extremely happily employed at Betway. I took the leap, switched over and am 5 months into the start of an EPIC journey with a company I am entirely passionate about. It’s here that I have free reign to express my own marketing principles and implement strategies with full faith in my ability.
Qhubekani Maphosa
After many sleepless nights and sacrifices, I managed to finish my degree and passed. Though it was a tough journey, I learnt that in life you have to work hard in order to achieve
My Name is Qhubekani Maphosa. I was born and bred in Zimbabwe in the South Western side of the country. My Province is called Matebeleland South. I did my schooling in my rural area called Kezi. I then went to finish my secondary and tertiary schooling in my home town of Bulawayo.
I have GCE ordinary Level with 8 subjects passed. I then went on to do GCE Advanced Level and obtained 5 points in two subjects.
That did not deter my love for education as i enrolled for a certificate in Machineshop Engineering. I was also trade tested as a fitter machinist.
I worked in several companies as a mechanical fitter/Shift fitter in a number of companies in Bulawayo.
When I was a fitter I developed a love for Marketing. I did quite a number of marketing courses with colleges such as the College of Professional Marketing and London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
It was during that time that I was introduced to IMM which was not very popular in Zimbabwe by that time , but those who knew about it recommended it as a well-sort-after qualification.
It was then that I decided to give it a try. I started by doing the course from the certificate level.
The subjects were very challenging. It was when I obtained a distinction in Business law that I made a commitment to go further with the course. I did and passed the certificate. It was in June that I moved to South Africa, Eastern Cape in particular and settled in a town called umtata or Umthatha or even some call it mtata. It was then that I Pursued my IMM journey again. I had many challenges though. There were no study centers around. The other challenge was that the nearest exam centre was in East London some 200 kilometers away. Even under such challenges I decided to give it a go. I studied on my own after work. I managed to write all some subjects in the diploma level. As fate will have it, the exam centre in East London was closed.
My closest exam center was in Port Elizabeth. I had no choice but to carry on. I finished the rest of the at the Port Elizabeth exam center. I did my graduation for my diploma at Durban.
Then I moved to Johannesburg. I thought everything was now going to be easy. Then as fate would have it again, my permit expired, and the institute was not allowed to register foreign students with pending permits. So I was forced to write and finish all my BBA Degree subjects in my home country.
After many sleepless nights and sacrifices , I managed to finish my degree and passed. I graduated in Johannesburg.
Though it was a tough journey , I learnt that in life you have to work hard in order to achieve.
Where am I today?
Today I am working as a mechanical estimator/ sales and tendering Head of department. I am also looking forward to continue studying especially in the following fields: Engineering, Project Management , IT and artificial Intelligence.
Precious Mohale
After all the frustration that I had experienced at other institutions, this was worth it. IMM gave me an opportunity to chase my dreams in acquiring a credible qualification in Marketing.
Completing this degree will open doors and birth opportunities that will see me grow in my career path and brings hope that one day I will become an entrepreneur.
My journey with IMM started in 2010, at a time in my life where I thought I should give up on this thing called life. Let me paint my picture.
I was previously a student at another institute. After completing 2 years of my BCom, I experienced financial difficulties in the year 2007, my 2nd year tuition fees were outstanding, and my mother was still in debt for my 1st year fees. Although we struggled, I didn’t qualify for NFSAS because my mother was a state employee. So the obvious route for me now was to seek employment.
Fast forward to the year 2010, my fees are finally cleared, I still wanted to go back and complete my qualification. Then I was told that I didn’t notify the institution that I was on recess, therefore the time to complete my qualification had lapsed. I tried to fight this, and find a way of finishing off what I had started, but I didn’t win.
I remember driving home with my mother, with a broken heart, when I spotted an IMM billboard. Naturally, I went into Google, and looked up the institution. It was at that point that I now set my heart on starting afresh, and saw myself being relevant in society. We got home and I sat my mother down, told her that I now want to register with IMM and study towards my Diploma in Marketing.
Two and a half years later, I was so proud to have completed my diploma, and so excited to be graduating. After all the frustration that I had experienced at other institutes, this was worth it. IMM gave me an opportunity to chase my dreams in acquiring a credible qualification in Marketing.
What’s next for me? This was a thought that crossed my mind, sitting in the auditorium during my graduation proceedings in March 2013. I want to sit there, looking at the honours students.
February 2014, I registered to study towards a BPhil Hons in Marketing Management. This was not an easy journey. I registered 4 modules, and passed all 4.
Then came a rocky year, 2015. I had a bit a financial challenge, but persisted nonetheless. I registered for 3 modules and for the 1st time, I failed. My heart sunk. Now with only 2 modules remaining, I had to finish this qualification.
In 2016, I fell pregnant, gave birth, and my son passed on after a day, emotionally I was a mess. There was no way that I could have registered for that year.
Then came 2017, I had to press the reset button. I called the institution to confirm if I could still complete my BPhil, and yes, I had until 2019 to do so. Alright, so there’s still time, I thought. I started saving. I was left with the 2 most costly modules (Advanced Marketing Res: Report 402 and Advanced Marketing Application Report) and this time, I could not afford to fail.
In 2018 January, I registered again. Half way through the semester, I was not coping. These 2 modules were both time demanding and I felt that I was going to neglect one and end up failing again. So I wrote to the registrar, to move one module to the 2nd semester. This request was approved. I went on to pass my Advanced Marketing Res: Report 402. And I was happy. Second semester I registered for the Advanced Marketing Application report. With this semester came a challenge where I recently started a new role at work – Marketing Coordinator, and I was having trouble to commence with my Practicum work/logs.
Above all this, I was a single mom to an 8-year-old son who requires a lot of my attention for his school work and is relying on me to cook and clean for him as well. On the side, I still needed to go for counseling regularly, because losing a child that lived one day, is the most horrific encounter that I have to live with. Before I knew it, it was time to submit my report. And somehow, I knew that I hadn’t given 100% but I had to submit. Again, I failed.
But failing this time didn’t put me down. Instead, it reignited something inside of me. Now more than ever, I knew I had to finish this qualification. Again, I wrote to the registrar, to request for one final extension. And she made it clear, that if I fail again, my entire qualification goes down the drain. So yes, in 2019, again, I registered for my Advanced Marketing Application report. This time, I put my blood, sweat and tears into this paper. And finally, I submitted in May 2019. And on the 20th of June 2019, I received a message that I had passed. I cried. Finally, I have completed my qualification. There’s no words to describe how I felt.
Where am I today?
When I registered for the last 2 modules of this qualification, there was something in me that reignited hope. The focus for my work enables me to re-channel my thoughts, and emotions into something that is ultimately tangible and will reflect my own hard work, not just academically but financially too.
Completing this degree means so much to me. It will bring so much change to my life. I will be the first person in my family to have studied this far and I intend on furthering my marketing studies.
Completing this degree will open doors and birth opportunities that will see me grow in my career path and brings hope that one day I will become an entrepreneur.
Completing this degree will reaffirm the faith in my God to give me the strength to still be able to keep my head up, even in the worst circumstances.
Lastly, completing this degree will be an example to my son, that his mom has made something of her life despite life’s challenges.
Shannon Nel (van Rooyen)
It was also the technological advancements made to the online platform by IMM which saw an improvement in my marks. The online study system and virtual classrooms offered a new way of learning which enabled me to engage with other students, consult lecturers for help and access online study material. This just made it easier to study and do well, so thank you IMM.
My journey with IMM Graduate School of Marketing Management started in August 2012. I registered for a BBA Marketing degree when IMM still operated from a small house in the Musgrave area of Durban- and today they have a big, beautiful office space with a student library and exam/lecture rooms.
When I received the email from IMM congratulating me on my graduation, I was a bag of mixed emotions, elated that I had finally reached the end of a long journey, but also sad that my time as a IMM student had come to a close.
During my studies there were so many moments I wanted to give up and I often felt ashamed that a 3-year degree was taking me so much longer to complete. This was partly due to finances however it was my lack of commitment and effort in the early stages of my degree, which reflected my poor results.
I really struggled to prioritize my studies at first, self-study requires a whole lot of self-motivation and discipline and meeting up with a friend for coffee or a beach day often won.
After failing a few modules, I got a wakeup call, I changed my priorities and attitude towards my studies which helped turn my performance around. While studying part time and working as an au pair in 2018 I discovered my passion for entrepreneurship. I started up two passion project businesses, Move fitness and Nel’turally Protein & Energy Balls. The beauty of this was twofold. I was able to apply textbook marketing and management principles to start up and grow my own businesses while also equipping myself with real life business experience to help me understand the complex textbook concepts in my assignments and exams, and this is when I realized just how valuable an education is!
It was also the technological advancements made to the online platform by IMM which saw an improvement in my marks. The online study system and virtual classrooms offered a new way of learning which enabled me to engage with other students, consult lecturers for help and access online study material. This just made it easier to study and do well, so thank you IMM.
A special part of my time with IMM is that as they grew so did I. I am no longer ashamed of my 8year journey to gain a 3 year degree, I learnt so much about myself, I got to explore my inner entrepreneur, discover my strengths, weaknesses and who I am as a business women during those years.
I have been able to experience the growth of this amazing institute and can vouch that the online experience and services offered to students today, is a game changer.
Before I close, my story is not complete without the mention of two pillars of strength throughout my journey: My father, Ronnie, who supported me from day one of 2012 to end date in 2019. He celebrated every pass and helped with the extra encouragement needed when I failed. He continued investing and encouraging me to pursue to the end, for this I will be forever grateful, I know many do not have a father figure like this amazing man.
And my husband, Jay, who offered himself as a lecturer and helped finance my studies. He gave the tons of emotional support and stayed up with me the many late nights that it took for me to be graduating.
It’s ultimately the support system from my family and IMM that helped carry me across the finish line and graduate this year at the KZN IMM graduation of 2020.
Where am I today?
Today I look forward to starting a new journey as a marketing coordinator at the new and exciting Umhlanga Arch, while also continuing my side hustle businesses, Move fitness and Nel’turally
Jo-ann Auret
What I learned through studying at IMM helped me achieve my KPIs and helped me to focus on the bigger picture by building a strong team to help the company and myself achieve our goals. My degree has added so much value to my life and it is definitely showing in my work.
Near the end of 2015 the company I work for, Fidelity ADT, offered me a full bursary to complete my BCom Management and Marketing degree through IMM. I was elated and couldn’t believe I would finally have the opportunity to complete my studies. I trusted the Lord for this opportunity and was favoured to push for my dream.
As a child, my father taught my sister, and I that the only way to make your dreams a reality was through dedication and hard work. He and my mother tried their best to give us everything they could afford, but could not afford to pay for me to study after finishing high school. I got a job after school, but circumstances never aligned to allow me to study further. My parents always took pride in the achievements my sister and I achieved in our careers and I won’t ever forget how proud my father was when I told him I had the opportunity to enrol to study my degree.
During my first year of study, I received the devastating news that my father was murdered. My world fell apart in an instant that I had never expected. I was so new to the world of studying and with this news, I completely missed submission deadlines as I scrambled to finalise funeral plans, his estate and the shock and grief of all that happened. I was so grateful to IMM who supported me at the time and allowed me to cancel the subject and retake it the following semester. When I started studies in 2016 I was working as a Business Development Manager for Fidelity ADT and in 2017 I started working for the company as the Sales Manager in the company call centre. The content of my studies and all that I learned through IMM empowered me to be a better employee, a team player and a better leader. I was privileged to see and experience the day-to-day practical side of my studies every day which really helped me to better understand and comprehend the theoretical aspects behind my job that I was learning. Subjects like Project management, Business Statistics and Marketing Research were my favourites. These especially helped me in my line of work to gain an advantage in overcoming some of the challenges faced daily.
Where am I today?
What I learned through studying at IMM helped me achieve my KPIs and helped me to focus on the bigger picture by building a strong team to help the company and myself achieve our goals. My degree has added so much value to my life and it is definitely showing in my work. I was soon offered a new portfolio in the call centre and now oversee the sales, technical and client retentions.
On the flip side, studying with a full-time job, and going home to being a mother of two, a wife and a church women’s group leader was tough to say the least. There were many long weekends I remember where I would lock myself in a room and my family would only see me once or twice throughout the day as I studied. It was challenging but worth it. Finally being able to say “I did it” makes me feel more accomplished in a sense. I would never have been able to do all of this without the cheerleaders in my life like my mother, my sister, my parents in law, family, friends and of course my massively supportive husband and children. Trying to study without someone in your corner to help urge you on and motivate you, I think, would definitely make the journey almost impossible.
I now sit with a renewed sense of purpose, anxiously and excitedly looking forward to my graduation day, updating my CV and looking forward to making my family and the company I work for proud. My only disappointment in all of this is knowing that my father’s face won’t be in the crowd smiling and congratulating me on graduation day. What a journey it’s been and if I could do it all over again, I definitely would
Laura Wild
So for those who don’t think it’s possible…. ITS MORE THAN POSSIBLE if you are disciplined and set your mind to it. Thank you IMM!
I matriculated in 2013 with receiving 3 distinctions and an overall average of 76%. I was very excited to keep going in my studies however life throws us obstacles.
In 2014 my dad fell very ill and I had to become the breadwinner in the family which meant….. No money to study.
In 2015, my dad passed away and all my savings were depleted.
I came across IMM in 2016 and thought let me try my best to get a bursary and with lots of prayers I received my very first bursary! And then….. Second year and third year I gracefully received bursaries.
If it weren’t for IMM, I would not be here today…. And it has been such a great journey.
Where am I today?
3 years later, 3 bursaries and a wonderful Cum Laude!
To celebrate, I went overseas last year to work as a manager in a well known restaurant and got to see a few magnificent places.
I am now even more excited to complete my BPHIL in Marketing Management at IMM.
So for those who don’t think it’s possible…. ITS MORE THAN POSSIBLE if you are disciplined and set your mind to it.
Thank you IMM!
Chanteel Cornelissen
I needed this qualification to show to myself that I am worthy
I got pregnant at a young age and had to give up on my dreams of studying. All the money I had, had to go to my child and surviving. Within a year I was a single mom with no child support coming in and needing to survive. Somewhere in the back of my head I always wanted to better myself, I always wanted a certificate or something. I needed this qualification to show to myself that I am worthy. But I could never just get the money to start this journey that I was longing for.
Where am I today?
My son is 12 this year, my graduation for the Higher Certificate in Marketing would have been on the 16th of April 2020 but because of Covid-19 it was postponed. I don’t care about the ceremony or what other people say. I showed myself that I could do it! I am now a married woman, mother and full time employed. I made the sacrifices needed. The worst part for me was realising how much time I had, how much time I wasted on nothing. I was a great example to my son. As I did not just nag him to do his homework, I sat and did mine with him! My husband also started studying. We are taking it one step at a time. My husband works shifts, so his study schedule differs from mine but it works for us and it is something we can share. Something that makes our bond stronger. We are the only ones that understand our circumstances and sacrifices. We are working on a better future for our family.
Kirstin McCain
I am so thankful for IMM and am already going back and fourth about what I could do next!
I finished school in 2009 but could not decide what to study. Instead I went straight into working as an Au Pair, administrator and bar tender (yes 3 jobs!)
Once I had saved up enough money, I embarked on my gap year to be an Au Pair in America. I stayed in New York and looked after 2 wonderful boys.
When I returned, I was too used to all my independence I went straight back to work, thankfully just 1 admin job this time.
Long story short, I finally ended up in a company that pushed their staff to study and that’s when I started doing my research and found IMM.
I still remember going in to the Durban office and feeling so welcomed by all the staff, they were all so passionate about the courses they offered.
Being me, I would not settle for anything less than a degree so I chose my course BBA Degree and got started.
Studying part time after being out of school for so long was not easy. There were moments when I thought I would not make it but every pass motivated me to move forward! I finally passed my final exam mid-2019 and the feeling is amazing! Unfortunately, due to COVID19 my graduation ceremony has been postponed indefinitely, but I still celebrated at home – because it is a huge achievement and no one can tell you otherwise 🙂
I am so thankful for IMM and am already going back and fourth about what I could do next!
Where am I today?
I am the regional manager of KZN for DCB Logistics, a courier company moving freight around the country. I am apart of the sales team and assist with our digital marketing as well!
Tanaka Obediah Newell Manjengwa
My journey has been nothing short of rising to the top. I believe that you are only a success at the moment you perform a successful act. You have to continuously do it in order to stay at the top and climb ladders.
I knew that to make an impact and make my mark in marketing excellence I had to identify an industry that did not pay much attention to marketing. I found myself in the South African education industry. Since I started, my goal has been to implement marketing at its highest level for growth and development for South Africa.
I began coaching my childhood favourite sport, hockey. I excelled in playing for Zimbabwe and provincial school teams in my high school days. After securing a hockey portfolio at Windhoek High School, I accompanied the school’s 1st team boys to their first ever Cape Town Brothers International tournament in 2016.
This trip yielded positive results for me as I managed to secure a bursary and a coaching position at Reddam House Constantia, Cape Town.
Having migrated to the Western Cape in South Africa, I did not stop there. My passion for networking saw me widen my horizon, joining the membership and professional development program of The Marketing Association of South Africa (MASA).
I made the most of my time at Reddam, as I brushed shoulders with the school’s administration staff and hierarchy.
This is where I figured out that there was a gap within marketing a school.
I continued to take advantage of my bursary by furthering my studies in the direction of marketing, enrolling with IMM Graduate School.
With my eagerness and drive to learn, I jumped at the opportunity to reunite with the Reddam House brand again. This time in the fast lane of Gauteng at a newly built Reddam House Helderfontein, located in Fourways.
With a new campus in need of a marketing powerhouse, I knew this was my time to make my mark and a name for myself.
I began to settle in after having been appointed the online and media portfolio for the campus by the head, Colleen Traviss-Lea. I admit that I did not always make the right decisions but learnt on the job and from mistakes I made.
I expressed new and innovative marketing ideas to further establish the campus around the community.
Where am I today?
At this moment, I am also involved in consultancy work. I am the founder of Newcorn Branding, a Marketing Consultancy Aide named after my father’s business ventures.
Newcorn offers new and upcoming companies innovative marketing structures and assists in brand identity.
I find drive and motivation by businesses and I intend to revive the Newcorn brand in its business ventures such as farming, construction and retail at a later stage in my life.
As for now, I am happy and content with where I am. I plan to reach the Chartered Marketer title and one day complete an MBA in Strategic thinking in Business overseas. So fingers crossed.
My journey has been nothing short of rising to the top. I believe that you are only a success at the moment you perform a successful act. You have to continuously do it in order to stay at the top and climb ladders. I am not surprised by how far I have come and the places I have been, I come from a family with politicians, well respected war veterans and pastors to say the least. So Manjengwa is not only a name but a brand.
John Anderson
“It often seems impossible until it’s done!”
My IMM Diploma gave me the confidence to achieve in my career and to go back to University to further my education part-time. These achievements gave me the tools to be able to emigrate to the USA.
Where am I today?
I am a Product Manager for a global automotive parts manufacturer in Illinois, USA
Tebogo Lucille Losaba
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail
After being retrenched by his previous employer, he decided to register his BPhil Honours in Marketing Management with IMM Graduate School in 2020 and he is now amongst the cohort of students who will graduate in April 2021.
In addition to the above, Tebogo also holds the following qualifications to his name:
– A Bachelor of Arts in Media, Communications and Culture from Nelson Mandela University;
– A Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management from IMM Graduate School; and
– A Post Graduate Certificate in Public Relations from the University of South Africa.
Where am I today?
Tebogo Lucille Losaba is a certified Chartered Public Relations Practitioner (CPRP) accredited by the Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA).
He is an experienced Public Relations, Brand and Marketing Specialist with extensive experience in freight and logistics, construction and engineering, maritime and publishing.
Tebogo has recently been appointed the PR Corporate Brand Manager for Samsung Electronics in Bryanston, Johannesburg.
A seasoned thoroughbred in the profession with a creative flair, extensive strategic and corporate communications experience.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me – when you seek me with all your heart” – Jeremiah 29: 11 – 13.