It’s all about engagement
At IMM Graduate School we are on a mission to engage with our students. Whether you are an alumnus, current or prospective student, we want to ensure effective communication between us. Not only do we want to keep you in the know regarding news and events at the IMM, but we also want to keep you updated on marketing, supply chain and business management trends and interesting perspectives from people in the industry, as well as academic faculties here and from all over the world. With this said, we would like to introduce the IMM Blog to you, where you can find all of this and more.
The blog is a means through which the IMM Graduate School reconnects with past and present students. More over, it provides a platform to stimulate thought and discussion around some of the critical challenges and opportunities emerging from the marketing, supply chain and business industries today.
We invite you to engage on this platform by commenting on or sending in articles, links or names of people or trends that you will want to hear more about.
We have five sections on this blog.
- Thought Leadership: We are living in an engaging, integrated world. Information is all around us, waiting for us to channel a new, innovate way of doing things. Here you will find articles and infographics from all around the world to inspire innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Academic: this section will include articles from the Academic faculty at IMM, relevant to their fields of expertise. It will include Marketing, Branding, Digital Marketing, Global Marketing, Logistics, Supply Chain management, Finances- you name it.
- IMM News: At IMM, there is always something happening, about to happen or something that has happened and we want to share it all with you. Here you will find past and upcoming events, photos and current campaigns or promotions.
- Community: Let’s connect. We are proud of our students and where their journeys have led them. In this section we would love to share your stories, so any interesting story, article or idea is welcome.
- Careers: This is an exciting section and we welcome participation. Interesting tips about job-hunting, interviews, CV building, etc. will be included here. Our new “IMM Job Market” will also be found here. We aim to connect our students and graduates with their future employers, and vice versa. Current students as well as graduates will be able to upload their CVs and companies can share their job vacancies, internships or graduate programme opportunities. Together with such a platform, we do our part to grow our industry and assist the youth to find employment.
We are very excited to launch our blog. Be on the lookout for more information about this initiative in a follow up mail. Let us know what you think and happy reading.